B4A Book Resources
Here you can download the files which are referred to in our B4A book.
Demonstration Projects
These were written either by Erel Uziel, Klaus Christl or Wyken Seagrave.
ActionBar-ViewPager: example app with an Action Bar and swipable pages
AddViewsByCode: example of how to create Views using code instead of the Designer
ButtonStateDrawables: a demonstration of coding the StateListDrawable property of buttons
B4XPages-AddMenuItem: adds menus to ThreePagesExample
Classes: examples of class modules
DoubleClickButton: an example of a Custom View – replaced 2016 by Numpad
Layers: a graphics animation of a horse
LogoSize48px: Demonstrates a Launcher Icon 48 pixels square
LogoSize192px: Demonstrates a Launcher Icon 192 pixels square
LogoSizeMipMap: Demonstrates a Launcher Icon selected by Android using the MipMap process
NinePatchExample: a demonstration of coding nine-patch images.
Numpad: demonstration of creating a Custom View in B4A version 5.80
Oscilloscope Project: advanced graphics demonstration
RotatingNeedle: simple graphics example
ThreeActivityExample: Three Activity Example
SQLiteViewer: working demonstration of Android database browser using DBUtils
SQLExample: example of using SQLite without DBUtils to create and manipulate a database (version 1.2).
SimpleDrawFunctions: lets you play with drawing
Your First App: a simple program to show a message box
Your Third App: a simple program with a button to show the time
Hi Phil,
This is (Beja).
Yesterday I bought a copy and will also buy a hardcopy from Amazon.
This book should be named basic4android bible.
Thanks for the great work that came just on time. I was especially surprised
to see the book included B4A v.3.0 that was released only a few days ago.
keep up the good work.
I bought your book about 1 week ago. Although I’ve been programming since 1965, I’m new to programming for Android. So far I have yet to read the book from cover-to-cover but it has been invaluable to me as a reference. Thanks for writing it!
il y a t’il une version fr électronic du livre ?
Non, désole mais nous n’avons pas des plans pour les traductions a ce moment. Nous pensons qu’il n’existe pas suffisamment d’exigence.
Bought the book yesterday and have now scanned it. I think it is excellent in its coverage and its detail. I am a new user of Basic4Android and I will not now be able to think of developing an app without this book at my side.
I very much appreciate the work that has gone into it,
Best wishes, John M.
Thank you very much John. Your comment is much appreciated.
I just received my copy of your book today. I have been programming in the BASIC language for over 30 years but just started Basic4Android. The software has proven to be easy for me to understand and with the book I have a great reference book. I am looking forward to producing some great projects. Thanks for all of your hard work.
I purchased your book, which is very interesting. I got to the chapter of database and i downloaded from your site SQLexample. Unfortunately the example does not work, when I start the compilation i get this error : The value cannot be null. Parameter Name: input. Error File: edit.bal
You can help me solve the problem ?. Thanks
Francesco Palma
Hi Francesco.
This seems to be a bug in B4A. I have raised a bug report on the discussion forum at
Regards, and thanks for raising this.
Erel says:
It is indeed a bug with the handling of old layout files. It is fixed for the next version.
The workaround is simple. Open the layout file with the designer and save it. It will be updated with the format of the latest version.
I have updated the above code so it will work without the error message.
There is a receipt for my purchase of the book in your store. Basic4android. I do not seem to be able to find the update portion for me to use. Please inform me of where I can receive it.
Hello Raymond,
You purchased the book Basic4Android which unfortunately is not eligible for a free upgrade. We only upgrade copies of B4A. Sorry.
I buyed the ebook, im happy to get a guide for some doubts. Thanks
Hello Osvaldo,
Sorry but I do not understand your comment.
its a usefull guide to solve troubles
Pingback:B4A eBook en Español – Penny Press
Many if not all of these projects do not work on modern android phones e.g. Samsung S10. I have bought the book but would expect that these projects should be updated to work on the more modern android versions.
Hello Roger, Many thanks for sorting this out. We will put this on our list of tasks to do.
Good morning. May can you update the book with the new objects in b4a? Or you write a new book with the arduino + b4a projects. Tanks a lot
Hi Carlos,
We will be producing a new edition of the book in the near future.
Buen día como puedo hacer para que me envíen la actualización del libro
You can download updates from https://pennypress.co.uk/b4a/upgrade/
Compré el libro en español en diciembre/2023 en amazon. Según leo sólo las compras realizadas a través de pennypress tienen derecho actualización. Es cierto ?
Caso de poder actualizar, aunque haya comprado a través de amazon, qué datos aparte del correo electrónico debería aportar ?
B4A books purchased from this website are entitled to free updates when available. They can be downloaded from https://pennypress.co.uk/b4a/upgrade/. As it explains on that website, the latest update in Spanish covers version 9.80 which was last updated 20 July, 2020.