Best-Selling Android Development Book Update Is Free
Android is an evolving platform and B4A, the world’s easiest rapid Android app development tool, evolves to keep up. Niche publisher Penny Press publishes and gives away free updates of their best-selling book by in-house author Wyken Seagrave.
Android is the world’s favourite mobile operating system. IDC predicts [1] Android shipments will constitute 81% of the smartphone market in 2015. But Android is a constantly developing platform, making it difficult for app developers to keep up. Further, Android apps are written using Java, which is not the easiest language to learn and use well.
That is why B4A was written by Anywhere Software [2]. It aims to be the easiest rapid Android app development tool available, allowing complete beginners to create powerful Android apps using the easily learned BASIC language. And the success of B4A is testified by the community of tens of thousands of users all over the world, including NASA, HP and IBM.
Anywhere Software is constantly updating the tool, which makes it almost impossible for any large publisher to create a book which keeps in step. Only a niche publisher, such as Penny Press [3] with an author who is skilled both in software development and writing effective user manuals, such as Wyken Seagrave [4], is capable of constantly updating their book.
And Penny Press offer something which (as far as they know) is unique in the publishing industry: free updates to the latest edition of the book for previous customers. Those who buy the e-book edition (available in 3 different formats) from the Penny Press store [5] can update their book at any time using a dedicated upgrade page [6].
This unique level of service has made “B4A: Rapid Android App Development using BASIC” by Wyken Seagrave the world’s best-selling book dedicated to deliver a comprehensive reference guide to the B4A user interface and language, to explain and illustrate every keyword, object and core library. It has just been updated to cover version 5.50 of B4A.
The book is also available in paperback [7] from any good bookstore, ISBN 9781512296259.
“B4A: Rapid Android App Development using BASIC” starts with step-by-step beginners’ guides explaining how to plan, design, develop, test, publish and make money from Android apps in the shortest possible time. It explains how to use B4A to create graphics and databases, to communicate with the user and to modify an app dynamically so it will look good on a wide range of devices.
This complete guide is also suitable for intermediate and expert developers. It covers every aspect of B4A from installation and using the WYSIWYG visual editor through a comprehensive reference section to extending the tool using Additional Libraries supplied by other users. It will quickly repay its cost by the time saved in finding the information developers need when they need it.
What readers said about the first edition of “B4A: Rapid Android App Development using BASIC”:
“This was a book that I now use as a constant reference and have found it a mine of information.”
“Brilliantly written and presented.”
“Excellent book. Just what I was looking for.”
“I will not now be able to think of developing an app without this book at my side.”
What users say about B4A
“I’ve [made] more progress with B4A in 3 hours than I have in 3 months with other Android IDEs.”
“I must say as a Visual Basic expert B4A is the best software purchase I’ve made in a long time. Within an hour of installing I had a fully functional application running on both my phone and tablet.”
“This is the greatest product ever! After spending two months trying to learn Java, I stumbled upon you. I have been a VB programmer for 25 years, and I am in heaven now! Thank you!”
A trial version of B4A can be downloaded free from the web [2].
[1] “Worldwide Smartphone Growth Expected to Slow to 10.4% in 2015, Down From 27.5% Growth in 2014, According to IDC,” IDC, 25 August 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2015].
[2] Anywhere Software, “B4A – The simplest way to develop real-world, native Android apps!,” Anywhere Software, [Online]. Available:
[3] Penny Press, “Penny Press,” Penny Press, [Online]. Available:
[4] W. Seagrave, “About Wyken,” [Online]. Available:
[5] Penny Press, “B4A Ebook on Penny Press Store,” Penny Press, November 2015. [Online]. Available:
[6] Penny Press, “Free Upgrade to New Version,” Penny Press, [Online]. Available:
[7] Penny Press, “Paperback of B4A: Rapid Android App Development using BASIC,” Penny Press, [Online]. Available:
I bought the printed version of the B4A book: ISBN 9781512296259 and have great troubles deciphering the “bit.1y” references because of the irritating type face used: there’s no difference to detect between a 1 (one) and a l (lowercase letter L). This lack of readability lowers the value of the printed version tremendously!
Better use an other typeface for these links next time.
We note your comment and thank you for making it.
We will certainly consider this issue when we publish the next update.
ISBN: 9781491226735(PAPERBACK]
Hi Jon,
9781491226735 was the ISBN of the paperback version of the earlier book Basic4Android.
This has now been replaced by a new book B4A and the ISBN of the paperback version of that book is 9781512296259.
Please note that the older book is now out of date and we do not offer free updates to the electronic version of that book.