Time Crystal Images
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Continue reading →Review Volume 1 of Time Crystal, earn $50 and become a published reviewer! If you have not already purchased a copy of the book you can buy a special half-price reviewer copy of the eBook version in Kindle, PDF or EPUB … Continue reading →
Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek first proposed that time crystals might actually exist in 2012. He argued that these hypothetical objects can exhibit periodic motion, such as moving in a circular orbit, in their state of lowest energy, or their “ground … Continue reading →
Crystal Day was 5 April 2012. The fact that you are reading this after that date tells you that, despite the catastrophe which overtook the Earth (and indeed the whole Universe) at 11:23 on that day, we all survived to … Continue reading →
From the Author’s Preface This is the second volume of Time Crystal, a series of books which attempt to tell as accurately as possible the true story of how the innocent scientists at CERN not only broke the (LHC) on … Continue reading →
Today is Crystal Day, the day that time stopped almost everywhere in the universe, 5 April 2012. To mark the occasion, we are publishing a new edition of The Time Tunnel, volume 2 of the epic Time Crystal series by … Continue reading →
Thanks to everyone who gave us feedback on the new cover design. Here is the finished product!
Continue reading →Illustrated Cosmic Monopole is the first volume in the Time Crystal Series. From the Author’s Preface This is a true account of how, following a disaster in CERN on 5 April 2012, you and everyone else on Earth stopped living. … Continue reading →